Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Intent:

At St William of York we aim to ensure that the curriculum is varied, inclusive, challenging and inspiring. Through our Core Values, we aim to develop successful learners who have the confidence to explore, investigate and immerse themselves in their learning; learners who are willing and able to overcome challenges and difficulties. We aim to offer a curriculum that enables each individual child to be happy, value their self-worth and to develop a love of learning through rich and varied opportunities.

Our Core Values:

As a school we acknowledge the importance of academic achievements and we want every child to achieve the very best that they are capable of. However, we place importance on the development of the ‘whole child’ and we want to ensure that our children grow as individuals and value their place in our community and in our rapidly changing world. 

Our curriculum is created to meet the needs of all our learners. It is designed to be interesting, challenging and builds on skills and knowledge. We want to enable the children to understand the diverse world around them and to be able to apply the skills that they develop during their education. By opening many doors through a varied and rich curriculum, we are enabling our children to discover their strengths and passions for life ahead.

Curriculum Implementation:

As a school we understand the importance of implementing a curriculum that inspires and engages our children therefore themes relate to our children’s interests, the context of our school community and important issues locally, nationally and globally.

In a number of subjects links are made with the local area in order to make children`s learning more personal and meaningful while cross-curricular links are also developed. The variety of literacy texts used across the different year groups also provide opportunities to promote and discuss equality and diversity.

Enrichment opportunities at St William of York extend beyond the classroom through the inclusion of local resources such as: educational visits to museums, theatres, residential trips, music and sports venues, working with volunteers, agencies and charities in the local community. Through providing these experiences we are ensuring that all our children have equal opportunities. 

We promote British Values in all aspects of school life, (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance). We ensure that the children are aware of their rights and we promote fairness, empathy and understanding. Through our R.E. curriculum (Come and See), children learn about other faiths and how their own faith relates to the world we live in.

We aim to engage our children in the learning processes, teaching them to become independent and inquisitive learners. Staff regularly monitor progress and provide feedback to enhance learning.

Curriculum Impact:

The intended impact of our curriculum is:

  • To fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum and to assess the progress and achievement of each child.
  • To ensure that each child is ready for the next stage of their education.
  • To provide a safe environment for all children so that they can thrive and develop as young members of our community.
  • To deliver a curriculum that enables all our children to grow spiritually, emotionally, socially and academically.
  • To provide the children with skills, knowledge and understanding so that they become lifelong learners.
  • To provide our children with opportunities to be; creative, inquisitive, critical and independent learners.
  • To instil in our children, the ability to make choices which will enhance their opportunities in life and enable them to become positive members of their community.
  • To teach children about the world that they live in and how they can make a positive contribution locally, nationally and globally.
  • To enable our children to have self-worth, respect and tolerance for others.

Our aim is to have a community of happy, content children so that they are able to fully engage with the ambitious and exciting curriculum that we offer.

If you want to find out more about the curriculum here at St William of York please click on the individual subjects link. Here you will find a statement about the subject as well as the curriculum overview and details of the skills to be learn`t and the progression from year to year.

St William of York
Catholic Primary School

St William Road Thornton L23 9XH

Martin Murphy | Headteacher

0151 924 7280

[email protected]

Mrs Middlehurst | School Business Manager

Mr C Davies | SENDCO

Together Everyone Achieves More

‘To go forward in Christ, to respect our neighbour and to always give our best.’